Monday, February 23, 2009

Collaboration Model

The idea is for young people in San Mateo and Cape Town to communicate and collaborate with the overall goal to increase global awareness and understanding. Initially I can see them just getting acquainted; exchanging names, family situation, hobbies, music, etc. I would also like them to share their opinions about important issues of the day; Dafur, global economic meltdown, global warming. Ultimately I would like them to create a collaborative project centered on their hopes and aspirations for their community, country and the world


  1. Sounds like a pretty cool idea. Have you set the ground work in any of your classes yet?

  2. What a great opportunity for all the students involved in this to learn about other cultures and to share insights! It's a really cool thing you are doing and such an engaging way for students to learn about other people around the world.

  3. wow, this sounds amazing! What a great opportunity for all involved.

  4. What a great visual and activity. It was so refreshing to see a blog that doesn't relate to our class. I mean, it relates to what we've learned in class but not some commentary. It was just informational!

